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MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM - Membership year runs from 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025.
The Committee has decided that the membership fees will be £60 for the year.

Members Renewal Form & covering letter paying members

For reviews on Events please check out "ARTYFACTS"
HOLIDAY CLOSURE DATES - Club will close after the evening session on Friday 20th December and will reopen on Monday 6th January 2025.
We wish all all members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.

**NEW** -WEEKLY OPEN SESSION- starting on TUESDAY 7th JANUARY 2025 there will be a new evening open session from 7pm - 9pm.
This session is open to all members and for any form of arts/crafts/photography etc.

BOOK BINDING GROUP - following on from the recent eco printing / journalling course, this will be an open session for anyone interest in any form of book binding. FRIDAY 10th JANUARY, 2pm - 4pm, it will run on the 1st Friday of each month.